09 April 2017

I Hated School: a series in six parts

(Please bear with me a bit.  This is a long series that starts out cynically but becomes more upbeat in the end parts.  Conversations and direct quotes are paraphrases from my aged memory.  The chronology jumps around a bit.)

(I will be posting each of the six parts as soon as I've proofed them.  Eventually I will have them re-posted so that they are then in order from the top down on this blog's page.  And I will eventually provide working links here for each part.  Here are the projected titles of the six parts:  
Part 1:  Compulsory Education: the 12-year Prison Sentence
Part 2:  Slow at Arithmetic = Acalculia?
Part 3:  A Few More School Tortures
Part 4:  Some (Rare) Redeeming Moments in School
Part 5:  Self-Education
Part 6:  Never-Ending Self-Education.)
